Saalfelden Leogang

Saalfelden - Leogang, Bikepark

Mountain sports, cultural diversity, enjoyment of nature

Nature experiences, action and culture in the heart of the Alps

Located in the heart of the Alps, this area offers views of the Steinerne Meer and the Leoganger Steinberge mountains and is a must for all climbers and hikers.

Located in the heart of the Alps, this area offers views of the Steinerne Meer and the Leoganger Steinberge mountains and is a must for all climbers and hikers.

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Saalfelden Leogang

The Bikepark Leogang offers action and fun. There are various routes for beginners and pros. The bike park is one of the largest in Europe. The 2020 UCI Mountain Bike Downhill World Championships were held here for the second time.

There are 400 kilometers of hiking trails to choose from, from easy to difficult. There are also a number of via ferratas.

For many years, music lovers have been traveling to Saalfelden to attend the international jazz festival. Against a breathtaking mountain backdrop, world-famous jazz musicians delight their fans with their music.

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