Steyr and national park region

Old town of Steyr

Historic city, natural paradise, industrial culture

Steyr and the National Park region - historical heritage, natural wonders and adventures in the wilderness

Steyr and the National Park region - a fascinating combination of historical romance, industrial heritage and untouched nature in the Kalkalpen National Park.

Steyr and the National Park region - a fascinating combination of historical romance, industrial heritage and untouched nature in the Kalkalpen National Park.

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Steyr and national park region

The town of Steyr, one of the oldest towns in Austria, delights visitors with its picturesque old town, where Gothic, Baroque and Art Nouveau elements come together harmoniously. The town's landmark is the Bummerlhausan impressive Gothic town house on the town square. The Steyr Christkindl region with the Christkindl pilgrimage church makes the town a popular destination, especially during the Advent season. In addition, the Museum Working World of the region's long industrial tradition.

The Kalkalpen National Park region, a paradise for nature lovers, begins directly adjacent to Steyr. The national park protects the largest contiguous forest area in Austria and provides a habitat for rare animals such as lynx and golden eagles. Hikers enjoy tours through the wild river landscape of the Steyr Gorgeto the peaks of the Sengsengebirge or to the impressive waterfalls in the Reichraminger Hintergebirge. Cyclists can experience the beauty of the region on the Steyrtal cycle path or challenge themselves on the mountain bike trails.

In addition to nature and culture, regional cuisine also plays a major role. Traditional inns offer delicacies such as Steyr dumplings or Mostbratl. Events such as the Blacksmith's Christmas or the soapbox race in Reichraming underline the living tradition. Thanks to the mixture of historic urban idyll and unique nature, the Steyr region is a versatile destination for culture and nature lovers alike.

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